It is possible to get from Bloomberg unique id to ticker without using aBloomberg Terminal. This is convenient, because you might not always have access to one. So, how do you do this? You can use the OpenFIGI API for that. Check out the (heavily simplified) example with Python below. This code example works “as-is”, but you … Continue reading “How to get from Bloomberg unique id to ticker”
Category: Data
Eikon & Python: time series for EURO STOXX 50 index
Are you using the Eikon API and Python? Then it is fairly easy to retrieve time series data for an index and its constituents. For example, you can use the following brief code snippet to download time series data for the Euro Stoxx 50. Conclusion: easy to get index data with Eikon & Python This is … Continue reading “Eikon & Python: time series for EURO STOXX 50 index”
Eikon Data API & Python – A Quickstart
The Eikon API provides simple access to users who require programmatic access to Refinitiv’s data. In this article, I’ll explain the steps to get up and running within a few minutes. Eikon & python play together nicely! You can find the official documentation at Before you start, make sure you have the following: Python 3.5+ … Continue reading “Eikon Data API & Python – A Quickstart”
Real Time KPI monitoring with Google Cloud & Python
“Create dashboards to monitor KPIs…” This is often my answer to a question I regularly get from business people: what can you do with Python? Let me walk you through a simple example for my own business. This time with Google Cloud. Google Data Studio Let’s start with the end in mind: we want to … Continue reading “Real Time KPI monitoring with Google Cloud & Python”
Snel en gemakkelijk CBS data gebruiken met Python
Heb je interesse in de data van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) en ben je Python gebruiker? Dan zit je gebakken! Het is tegenwoordig namelijk mogelijk om razendsnel je gewenste data op te vragen. In deze blog post leg ik kort uit hoe je dit kunt doen. Let’s go, CBS & Python! Download voordat je … Continue reading “Snel en gemakkelijk CBS data gebruiken met Python”
Open Data Tutorials: Open Data Sources & Python
Open Data: many organisations are publishing data for the public good. For example, the European Union publishes numbers on economic activity, demographics, greenhouse gas emissions and gender equality. The European Central Bank publishes money supply statistics, interest rates and foreign exchange rates. Likewise, plenty of other institutions do the same. Thus, there is a wealth … Continue reading “Open Data Tutorials: Open Data Sources & Python”